‘ahems and ahahs’

Literature, & Etc.

Archive for April 26th, 2009

Look At This Lovely Hamster

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The internet is truly ridiculous. Rule 34 of the Rules of the Internet states: There is porn of it, no exceptions. I think one can modify this to equal: If you can concieve of it, it exists.

Look At This Lovely Hamster


It is the captions at this blog/site that make it truly ridiculous. Enjoy.

Written by thebeliever07

April 26, 2009 at 7:36 pm

Posted in random

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Stumbling into a deal…

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I was having coffee with some friends earlier this afternoon and stumbled into the bargain section at Crapters and found a deal so good I spent money I clearly should not be spending. But, when you find a deal like this, how can you possibly pass it up. Michael Chabon’s collection of Non-fiction Essays and Musings Maps and Legends, originally priced at $26.99 for $7.99. mapsand

I have had a long time love affair with Michael Chabon and I suppose I owe Dave Eggers a thank you for this love. I read Dave Eggers memoir A Staggering Work of Genius years ago and this is how I discovered McSweeney’s Quarterly Review & The Believer Magazine, and through these two mediums I was led towards Michael Chabon’s literary masterpiece The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay. The way I see it, Michael Chabon is to our generation what George Orwell and Ernest Hemingway were for those respective generations of the past, voices that reflect on our current times. I highly suggest this collection as well as any of his fiction works, particularly Kavalier & Clay and Gentleman of the Road. Worth your time.